epg & Son Fish Sauce Savings & Surety

Son Fish Sauce is an award-winning natural product that is highly in demand globally. The company currently ships to 5 continents, with the greatest demand coming from their Vietnam headquarters to the US market. As with many other exporters the Covid pandemic disrupted shipping, leaving them waiting in line for containers, faced with rising shipping costs and at the whims of their freight forwarder.

EPG’s Savings & Solutions

As an EPG member, we were able to support Son Fish Sauce through our exclusive deal with Maersk. The Son Fish Sauce team in Vietnam received Stateside support from EPG, and both Stateside and Vietnam support from Maersk. The team were onboarded and able to use the Twill platform to view their monthly containers with ease – allowing them to book 6 weeks in advance, as opposed to the previous 2-week timeframe. We further streamlined payment options for them through the Maersk My Finance system.

The Result

Through streamlining payment and booking systems, and leveraging our partnership with Maersk-Twill, we were able to curtail rising shipping costs and save Son Fish Sauce a significant amount. The company has been so impressed with the support and savings that they are looking to use the EPG inland domestic program to move their pallets and containers across country to their distributors. Our savings and simplified logistics setting them up for any rough seas ahead.